Chuanfu Shen | 沈川福
Weclome! I am currently a Ph.D. candidate jointly enrolled in SUSTech and HKU, under the
supervision of Prof. Shiqi Yu and Prof. George Q. Huang. I received my B.E. degree in 2019 from the
Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China. .
I’m open to colloboration. Feel free to drop me an email through noahshen AT
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My primary research interests lie in human retrieval, gait recognition, and 3D perception. Some
papers are highlighted.
LidarGait: Benchmarking 3D Gait Recognition with Point Clouds
Chuanfu Shen,
Chao Fan,
Wei Wu,
Rui Wang,
George Q. Huang,
Shiqi Yu
CVPR, 2023
project page
A benchmark and baseline model for learning gait representations from 3D point clouds. The proposed SUSTech1K dataset with 1,050 IDs, LidarGait learns 3D geometry from projected range-view depths.
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